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Basque etymology :

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Proto-Basque: *ɦog(ʷ)en
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ́1 fault, blame, sin 2 harm, injury 3 fraud, deceit 4 decay, downfall 5 innocent (without fault)
Bizkaian: oben 1, 2, 4, oben-baga 5, (arc) ogen 3
Gipuzkoan: oben 1
High Navarrese: oben 1
Low Navarrese: hogen 1, 2, hogen-gabe 5, (Aldude) hoben 1
Salazarese: oben 1
Lapurdian: hoben-gabe 5
Baztanese: oben 1, oben-gabe 5
Zuberoan: ógen 1, 2, ogen-gábe 5
Roncalese: ogen, oben 1
Comments: This is one of the words in which old /g/ has regionally changed to /b/, conditioned by a labial vowel.
Proto-Basque: *ɦolaic
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: colostrum, first milk
Bizkaian: oratz, oreitz, (Elorrio) ogitz
Gipuzkoan: oreitz
High Navarrese: oritz
Low Navarrese: horitz, (Hazparren) olitz
Lapurdian: horitz
Zuberoan: óritz
Roncalese: oritz
Comments: One of the words in which the change of -l- > -r- was not complete (here in Hazparren).
Proto-Basque: *ɦonda-r̄
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 sand, beach 2 bottom 3 remnant, residue
Bizkaian: ondar 1
Gipuzkoan: ondar 1
High Navarrese: ondar 2
Low Navarrese: hondar 2
Lapurdian: hondar 1, 2, (arc) hundar 1
Zuberoan: úndar 3
Comments: See the note to *ondo.
Proto-Basque: *ɦorci / *ɦośti
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 sky 2 storm 3 thunder 4 Thursday 5 rainbow 6 cloud
Bizkaian: osti 2, 3
Gipuzkoan: osti 2, 3, ost-egun 4
High Navarrese: ost-egun 4
Low Navarrese: ortzi 2, ortzantz, ihurtzuri 3, ost-egun 4, hortz-adar, ortz-adar, orz-adar, oltz-adar 5, ortz-egun 4, orzi-adar 5, (Hazparren) ortzi 3, orzi-adar 5, (Aldude) orz-egun 4
Lapurdian: ortzantz, ihurtzuri 3, hortz-adar, holtz-adar 5
Baztanese: ortz-egun 4, ortz-adar, oltz-adar 5
Zuberoan: ́ortze 2, orzantz 3, ost-égün 4, ost-ádar 5
Roncalese: (Isaba) ost-égun 4, (Uztárroz) orz-égun
Comments: Apparently {Urcia} (*ɦorcia) was an ancient name for the sky-god, like Jove/Jupiter, Zeus, etc., thus *ɦorc-egun or *ɦośt-egun 'Thursday'. See the discussions by Michelena (1961: 130, 363-4) and Trask (1997: 277-79). There is similar alternation of -rc- / -śt- in a few other Bsq words, e.g. *ɦerce / *ɦeśte ‘intestine’, *borc / *bośt ‘five’ (q.v.).
Proto-Basque: *ɦorś-to
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: leaf
Gipuzkoan: osto
High Navarrese: ostro, osto
Low Navarrese: hosto
Salazarese: osto
Lapurdian: hosto
Zuberoan: ósto, (arc) orsto
Roncalese: osto
Comments: The ZBR writer Oihenart (17th c.) used the form orsto 'leaf'. See metathesis in ANV ostro. Cf. PEC *ʔărć̣V ‘a kind of reed’.
Proto-Basque: *ɦosi
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 germ (of grain) 2 shoot that becomes a head of grain 3 to germinate, sprout
Gipuzkoan: ozi 2, (Andoain) ozi 1, ozitu 3
High Navarrese: ozi 2
Low Navarrese: ozi 1, ozitu 3
Lapurdian: hozi 1, hozitu 3
Baztanese: ozi 1, ozitu 3
Comments: The Bsq-NC comparison requires metathesis: PSC *śwĭ́ʔē ~ *ʔwĭ́śē, the latter > Bsq *ɦosi.
Proto-Basque: *ɦośin
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 deepest part of a river 2 abyss 3 sea 4 whirlpool
Bizkaian: osin 1
Gipuzkoan: osin 1, 3, 4
High Navarrese: osin 1
Low Navarrese: osin 1
Lapurdian: hosin, usin 1, 2
Zuberoan: osin 1
Comments: RNC usin 'avalanche' is rather < *e=auśi 'to fall'; cf. *Hauśo 'blizzard' (q.v.).
Proto-Basque: *ɦućal
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 poor, trifling 2 dry, barren, sterile 3 shrunken, shriveled
High Navarrese: utsal 1
Low Navarrese: hutsal 1, 3
Salazarese: utsal 1, 2
Lapurdian: hutsal 1
Zuberoan: ütsal 1, 2
Roncalese: utsal 1
Comments: Cf. also *huć: these words appear to be contaminated or blended.
Proto-Basque: *ɦulca-hur̄ (?)
Meaning: walnut
Araban: unsaur
Bizkaian: untxaur, intxaur, (arc) insaur
Gipuzkoan: intxaur
High Navarrese: intxaur,
Low Navarrese: heltzaur, giltzaur, (Amikuse) intzaur
Salazarese: giltzagur
Lapurdian: heltzaur, eltzaur
Baztanese: giltzaur
Aezkoan: etxabur
Zuberoan: intzáur, (Garazi) intzagor
Roncalese: etzagur, (Vidangoz) itzagur
Comments: An interesting word with many local variants. It is apparently a compound with an obscure first element + *hur̄ 'hazelnut' (q.v.). Words with g- appear to be blended with *gilc 'joint, node'.
Proto-Basque: *iainko
Meaning: God
Bizkaian: Jainko
Gipuzkoan: Jainko
High Navarrese: Jainko, Inka
Low Navarrese: Jinko, (arc) {Ieyncoa}, (Aldude) Inka
Lapurdian: Jainko, Jinko, (Ainhoa) Inkoa
Baztanese: Jinko
Zuberoan: Jinko
Comments: The forms Ink(o)a occur in oaths: Ala Inkoa!, Ala Inka! 'By God!'. Azkue also cites Jaungoiko (BZK, GIP, ANV), but possibly this longer word ('lord who is on high') is a "folk-etymology which attempts to rationalize the old name [Jainko] into something more obviously Christian" (Trask 1997: 323). The etymology remains mysterious.
Proto-Basque: *ibar̄
Meaning: valley
Bizkaian: ibar
Gipuzkoan: ibar
Low Navarrese: ibar
Lapurdian: ibar
Zuberoan: íbar
Comments: More specifically, "fertile low-lying land between mountains" (Trask). Connections to Bsq *ɦibai ‘river’ (q.v.) or ip(h)ar, ifar ‘north’, if any, are unclear. Cf. Burushaski *bar 'valley, ravine'.
Proto-Basque: *iću
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: blind, blind person
Bizkaian: itsu
Gipuzkoan: itsu, itxu
High Navarrese: (Esteribar) itsu
Low Navarrese: itsu
Lapurdian: itsu
Baztanese: itsu
Zuberoan: ǘtsü
Roncalese: utsi
Comments: Cf. PNC *=Vc_V ( ~ *=Vć_V) 'dark, blind'.
Proto-Basque: *idun
Meaning: 1 neck, collar 2 throat
Bizkaian: idun 1, idun-azur 2
Comments: A BZK word with no secure external cognates.
Proto-Basque: *ihas
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: last year
Bizkaian: igaz, igez, (Otxandiano) ijez, ijaz (Txorierri) iez
Gipuzkoan: igaz
High Navarrese: igaz
Low Navarrese: iaz
Salazarese: xaz
Lapurdian: iaz, yaz
Zuberoan: ihaz
Roncalese: xaz
Comments: Cf. PEC *ś_wăjV 'last year'. For PSC we posit metathesis: *śwắjHV ~ *jHắśwV, the latter > Bsq *ihas. NCED suggests the possibility of a laryngeal in the PEC form, because of the pharyngeal vowel in Archi šʷaIš.
Proto-Basque: *iɫha-r̄
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 bean(s), haricot 2 pea(s) 3 vetch 4 heather
Bizkaian: idar 3, (Mundaka, Txorierri) irar 2
Gipuzkoan: illar 3
High Navarrese: illar 1, 4
Low Navarrese: illar 1
Lapurdian: (Ainhoa) illar 1, (arc) hillare 4, (Senpere) illar 3
Baztanese: illar 1, 3
Zuberoan: ílhar 1, ilhar-biríbil 2, ilhar-xúri 2, ilhárre 4
Comments: Cf. PNC *hōwɫ[ā] 'bean(s), lentil'. The relevance of words for 'heather' is uncertain, since the heather plant (Erica) is so different from the pulses, and Bsq words for heather (ilharre, gillar, gindarra, iñarra, añara, etc.) are phonetically diverse and probably indicate blending of originally distinct roots.
Proto-Basque: *iɫhu-n
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 dark 2 night
Araban: iluñ 1
Bizkaian: illun 1
Gipuzkoan: illun 1
High Navarrese: ilun, illun 1, 2
Low Navarrese: ilhun 2, (Aldude) 1
Salazarese: ilun 1, 2
Lapurdian: ilhun 1
Aezkoan: ilun 1
Zuberoan: ǘllhün 1
Roncalese: ulún 1
Comments: The phonetic development may have been PSC *ƛēʔlV > (pre-Bsq) *liɫhu-n > Bsq *iɫhu-n, with a dissimilation of laterals attested in other cases.
Proto-Basque: *inhi
Meaning: rush, cane, reed
Bizkaian: ii
Gipuzkoan: ii
Low Navarrese: ihi
Lapurdian: ihi
Zuberoan: ihi [ĩ́hĩ]
Comments: There is some similarity to the synonym *si(n)Hi (q.v.), attested only in BZK, but it is difficult to reconcile phonetically with *inhi.
Proto-Basque: *i=cal
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: 1 shade, shadow 2 protection 3 gloomy, frightening place 4 to cover, darken 5 to put out (lights)
Bizkaian: itzal 3
Gipuzkoan: itzali 5
High Navarrese: itzal 1, itzali 5
Low Navarrese: itzal 1, 2, itzali 4, 5
Salazarese: itzal 2, itzal-go 2, itzal-gune 1
Lapurdian: itzal 1, 2, itzali 4
Zuberoan: itzal 1, 2, itzali 4
Roncalese: itzal 2
Comments: Cf. PNC *Hč̣ōlV̄ 'black', Bsq *b=elc 'black', a different formation from the same root.
Proto-Basque: *i=ća-śo
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: sea
Bizkaian: itxaso
Gipuzkoan: itxaso
High Navarrese: itsaso
Low Navarrese: itsaso
Lapurdian: itsaso
Zuberoan: itxáso
Roncalese: itxaso
Comments: Analyzed here as PSC *čä́HV ‘salt’ with a fossilized class prefix *i= (mass/uncountable nouns) and suffix *-śo, found also in (L-arc) ibaso ‘river’ (see *ɦibai). Azkue cites *-śo only as the kinship suffix *-śo (q.v.). It is not clear whether *-śo in itsaso and ibaso is identical with it (‘child of salt’ = ‘sea’?) or the diminutive -txo (*-čo), or neither.
Proto-Basque: *i=di
Sino-Caucasian etymology: Sino-Caucasian etymology
Meaning: ox
Araban: idi
Bizkaian: idi, (Eibar, Lekeitio) iri
Gipuzkoan: idi
High Navarrese: idi
Low Navarrese: idi
Salazarese: idi
Lapurdian: idi
Baztanese: idi
Aezkoan: idi
Zuberoan: idi
Roncalese: idi
Comments: A universal Bsq word, with very little phonetic variation (BZK iri). One of the Bsq words in which PSC nasals are lost in *-NH- clusters.
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